Sunday, September 22, 2013

MapleStory, cuteness overload

Many of you have probably never heard of MapleStory; there's nothing wrong with that, it's a weird game. It's an MMO that is based in the Maple World and includes everything cute known to man. Yhe twist is that the cuteness takes the form of enemies with the sole desire to kill you. Let's make a bullet list on some of the details of Maple World.
  • You start off as a blank slate of hero who kills snails for exp. Yes, snails, just like the ones shown above.
  • Eventually, you can choose a class; thief, bowman, wizard, warrior, and pirate. There are special classes like Evans, but those are the basic five. 
  • Once a class is chosen, you find your master on a specific branch of Victoria Island and begin class specific quests.
Sounds pretty basic and, on the bare bone level, MapleStory is just that, basic. Now, this game is much more fun to play with other people, especially when you have a vocal chat system set up. Why? Well, you can comment on the weirdness of characters, enemies, items, etc. And boy oh boy, there's a lot of that crap in the game. Don't have me wrong, I love MapleStory but more for its weirdness as well as the hilarity of playing with my older brother. Let's go into the fun thirsty parts of the game. Oh, and this time I'm not going to do the whole, "what I like and dislike" since it's kinda boring. Select server and play!

My little character in MapleStory is named Slashlass; the name is a pun on cutlass and lass (meaning girl), took way too long to create. Going along with the whole pirate theme, Slashlass is a pirate, more specifically a Gunslinger. I wield pistols and shoot the crap out of any enemy that crosses my path. I can also do this,

I can fly, sorta.
Cute right? In any case, this is my character whom I personally find to be awesome. She just has that swashbuckling attitude.

As mentioned before, MapleStory has class oriented quests which become available only at certain levels. I've already completed the Gunslinger quests. This means that I need to progress to the next milestone level, via farming and various Maple quests, before I can move up a rank in the Pirate skill tree. Here's where the fun begins.

Although class quests are important, the bulk of MapleStory is found through world quests. My personal favorites, to-date, are the Mushroom Kingdom quests . I won't give away spoilers for those who wish to take up arms against King Pepe. Just know, you will be fighting intoxicated pigs and adorable penguin soldiers along the way. Also, the mushroom princess is um...well, she's a piece of effeminate work.

Time to stress the co-op awesomeness in MapleStory. Pete, that is your cue.

Click the picture and note the heart earrings.

Was there any doubt what LeScurvyPete would be like?

On MapleStory, co-op is generally team oriented, though there can be some friendly fire along the way. This mostly happens with competition based quests. Or, when monster cards are dropped (I'll go into the cards a lil later). It pays to have a friend around when you're facing a boss or high level enemies. If your buddy is a different class than you, it's even more worthwhile because you can play off each other's strengths. For instance, Pete is the tank of our fighting duo; he has higher defense and a bigger health bar. This means, when my sorry ass is being beaten to shit by cuddly looking ghosts, he can step in a take a few hits while I heal. That being said, my character is more agile and can perform attacks faster. Being a Cannoneer, Pete's attack take longer to reload and cause him to rebound across the screen whereas my little Gunslinger has the advantage of bullets and speed. So, as a team, we piggyback each other rather well.

Cards, what about cards now? Monster cards, to be specific, and boy oh boy, is it impossible to collect every single one.

All monsters, whom you encounter on MapleStory, drop both a character card and a companion card. A character card logs information about the monster into a nifty little almanac. That part is useful. Each monster does drop a character card, so almanac wise it is possible to collect all of them, it would just be a bitch to do so. Heh, now the companion cards are something elsel. By something else, I mean annoying as all hell.

Companion cards enable you to summon that specific monster to fight by your side. You can use three companion cards, total, on the same monster (this simply strengthens their health bar). Once you use one card, you can even give your monster a personalized name. The names are censored (so much so that "sploosh" is unavailable) but that only leads to creativity. The masterpieces of my brother and me are as follows; Boo Earns, Horner, Yeasty, Sir Frankie, and Qweef.

So far, the monster cards seem to be pretty awesome. They definitely are, when you can actually find them. The higher the level of monster, the less likely they are to drop a card. Monsters drop cards on a random number roll. Even if there is technically a one out of forty chance of a drop, that doesn't mean forty dead monsters are going to yield a card. Kinda sucks.

Monster companions, in general, are a must have in this game. Fortunately, many useful ones are low level high drop rate monsters. Each monster has a different specialty when summoned. For some, they increase defense. Others, they just turn your character sprite red. Te most useful ones (in my opinion) heal magic/health. Magic or mana is vital for most classes of the game, making a mana healing companion pretty damn awesome. Jr. Boogies do just that (the Sir Frankie ghost pictured above with a flying Slashlass) and are a low level monste. Therefore, you can acquire this companion early on in the game. Fantastic pants!

Ah, well, that's a decent MapleStory blog. I have to wonder, what is the allure of this MMO? Honestly, I love playing it with my brother because it is so ridiculous and overly cute all the time. We tend to make fun of it a lot, but what is a gamer without a few silly games that they rag on? In any case, this most likely won't be the last MapleStory blog. Being an MMO, it can be a rage game as well.

Til later audience.

Die you pixie bastards die!

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