Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Introduction

Hello there audience. Yes you, the person reading this from behind a screen. Welcome to a sliver of internet known as Some Pixel Dust, a gamer's blog. That is simply what this is; a blog where I write about various video games that I play. Why are you reading it? I don't know, are you bored?

In any case this blog functions as a way for me to write about something that I love. Video games have always been involved in my life going back to my older brother and me playing Mario Kart on his SNES before I could read. Nowadays I primarily play games on my PC and my 360. When home for breaks (college student alert) I do dust off my Nintendo cartridges and indulge in some old school gameplay. Who knows, if I keep up with classes well enough I might be able to bring another system to my apartment as well as a better PC. Time and grades will only tell.

Forewarning, some of the games I'll blog about are not my typical genre. This translate into I'll suck at them massively. As hard as I've tried to become good as FPS titles I just blow ass at them. The only ability I'm somewhat decent at is sniping thanks to Conker's Bad Fur Day; zombie squirrels are a pain in the ass.

The main slew of games that I play are RPGs, MMOs (surprisingly not warcraft), racing, adventure, and strategy. I enjoy solitary gaming but I have to say it's always more fun to co-op. My main co-op buddies are my brother (Sneaky)Pete and my best friends Tim and Brian. Hopefully I can include some recordings of us playing or at least dialogue segments for "memory purposes". To be honest we're not especially clever we're just silly. Sides it's all for the fun of it.

That concludes my introduction to this shiny new blog. I hope some of you will follow it and watch as it becomes a beloved beat up blog with insider jokes and soda stains. Time to press play and growl as the patch update takes forever.

Much (probable) love,


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