Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Coding Coding Everywhere!

Hello audience!

So, I just finished, last week in fact, my introductory course in HTML and CSS. What am I up to at the moment? Well, I have to complete a prep course before the coding boot camp starts, Fall 2016.

Oh yeah, I was accepted in the boot camp course!!! It isn't a real boot camp, rather it is an intensive class that crams a lot of material into a short amount of time, two months to be exact. I know, some of these courses do more harm than good, easy in easy out.

However, computer programming boot camps tend to stick with most people. The fact of the matter is, they force you to apply what you've learned for eight hours, each day, for two months. That's a lot of repetition and practice.

Needless to say, I am very excited, as well as a tad nervous, to start my course. From now until then, it is learn as much as I can from the prep course and practice practice practice.

Going back to my intro course, we had a final project. The project was to hard code, write from scratch, our own website. The biggest catch was that our website had to be responsive; this means, that the website needed to look good across all platforms, like phones, tablets, etc.

Audience, I'm pleased to announce that I nailed responsive! My website looks great on any device. So long as you aren't using an old version of Safari or IE. Come on guys, Chrome all the way.

Besides that, I've changed my blog's appearance slightly, bit more blue and a bit less opaque in the sidebar. The latter was done with my fancy new HTML and CSS skills.

I will continue to work on the previously mentioned JavaScript Monty Python project. Hopefully I'll have it fully running for you soon enough.

In the meantime, enjoy the little JS Zelda game I created. It is at the bottom of the page. It's simple, but cute.

Oh right, to see my website simply click here or on the link in the upper right hand corner of the sidebar.

As for video games, my latest obsession is King's Quest 2015. I have since fixed my desktop machine, HAL, and can now enjoy PC video games. Ah, how I missed the slouching posture and cheeto dust.

Next time, I'll have a post about an actual video game rather than my programming.


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