Friday, October 30, 2015

A Jumpy Halloween Spooktacular

Dear sweet audience, it has been some time since I've posted a blog here on some pixel dust. I apologize for the delay. However, I have a neat treat for you today. Since it is Halloween tomorrow, and the fact that I have been obsessed with Halloween since birth, I decided I should write about a scary game, a game of a spooks and jump scares.

Alright, now as many of you know I'm on Steam and have been for a long time. I try to avoid the Steam sale madness, buying too many games is very very tempting, but enjoy the fact that I can download games from my library to any of my computers without too much trouble. I also borrow from my dad's library from time to time. Steam, if you could do something for me, stop applying so many useless updates if you're never going to fix the bugs in your audio chat rooms. Three times is always the charm with calls.

Anyways, right, so I found this game on Steam, Spooky's House of Jump Scares. It was recommended to me because of my history with Five Night's at Freddie's. It is a jump scare styled game. It is also a game, like Maplestory, that my lil laptop Rikki can handle. Seriously it's less than a GB, around 250 MB I believe; translation, go download it audience. Now, bullet points, in orange:

  • Simple controls, no controller necessary
  • It's FREE
  • Small game that won't use a lot of RAM or take up much memory
  • Scares the crap out of you 
  • Has a cute lil mascot named Spooky
  • Is built on the Minecraft engine, but changes appearance...
  • So much fun if you love to scare yourself, like me!
  • You may need extra pants, or someone else on the phone for comfort
  • Green blobs...
So the game, it is easy to play. The goal is to navigate through all 1,000 rooms in Spooky's mansion. That sounds very daunting but the rooms tend to zip by. The check points are every fifty levels; this is where you can save your progress. You have a health bar that regenerates over time, very slowly. You also have a stamina bar that depletes itself every time you sprint. That damn stamina bar doesn't refill fast enough. I need to run damnit! No room is safe damnit!

Aw, they're so cute! Lil stumps and pumpkins.
At first, the game seems really boring and kind of cute. The "monsters" that scare you are cardboard cut outs that pop out of the wall. However, even those become uncomfortable after awhile. While their appearance might be cute, the sound effects accompanying them are not; glass breaking, piano keys, screeching, all of these are lovely sounds these card board spooks make. 

Oh yes, an interesting fact about this game, it is different each time you play and different for every player. How do I know this? First off, the game description page on Steam states this fact. Second, my brother and I were on Steam chat while we both were playing through this game. I had found rooms he had never seen. Pete found notes that I encountered later or not at all. Even some of the monsters like, oh yeah, let's allow those to be a surprise. Sure, some levels are milestones in the game which activate monster events aka things that chase you. One level is 165. I'm not telling you what's there. You'll have to find out.

So far, I've made it to 300. I've died a couple of times. I've screamed plenty of times. With this game, and jump scare styled titles, I find it more fun to play while interacting with others. Not only does it give you some assurance, hey, fear is powerful, but also allows you to laugh at their screams as well as your own. It's a game; it's meant to be fun, so have fun. 

Audience, I did mention that the rooms, change as you progress, correct? They become more disturbing. The graphics become very disturbing. My advice is, play, avoid the blobs. and push through the red walls. And be careful where you shine your flashlight. 

Before we part, how about a little spooky fact about myself? Ok, it's not actually spooky. More so it's addressing the "relationship" status in my "About Me" section. I have been dealing with this question for years; in fact, since I was twenty-one people have asked me whom I was seeing due to his "gift". Well no more. I've answered truthfully and people just stared. It was a good way to weed out those who shared none of my interests but enough is enough. 

I am surprised that many of you haven't figured it out. I mean, I mention him; I related my character Thor in Skyrim to him; I wear his jewelry every day. I belong with Sauron. It's his ring around my neck. My parents bestowed that gift to me when I was twenty-one. They felt I needed a serious commitment. Now, I'm his ring bearer, forever.

Haha, Disappointed? Too bad. Happy Halloween!

Also a big shot out to my Best Friend Forever Fa Fa, Timmy. Happy Birthday TJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See what I did there? Twenty-four exclamation points.

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